+65 9144 1412 [email protected]




Franchise/License Sales Outsourcing is the largest segment of our business. FSO/LSO provides start-to-finish “full cycle” franchisee/licensee development, from lead creation to contract signing, for our clients. Blue Seas will

    • recommend and manage lead generation marketing
    • manage all communication with franchisee/licensee candidates
    • distribution of sales materials & legal disclosure
    • manage all leads through the entire sales process
    • handle contract negotiation

We look, feel and operate like a member of the franchisors’/licensors’ internal organization, working with marketing, operations, and executives to coordinate activities. Our fulfillment model is shared risk.


While many franchisors and licensors understand brokers, they may not understand FSO/LSO. Brokers may provide you leads and consultants may provide ideas. Blue Seas provides a full suite of sales services on an ongoing basis, allowing our clients to focus on their operations and marketing.


Franchise/License Sales Outsourcing services include:

Franchise Operations Blue Seas Franchise Consulting 12
    • Sales Plan and Lead Generation Plan
    • Initial lead handling
    • Database Input and Management
    • Materials Distribution
    • Preliminary Candidate Qualification
    • Agreement Disclosure and Legal Compliance
    • Manage and Host Discovery Days
    • Financing and Site Selection Support (via 3rd-party)
    • Negotiating and Closing the Sale
    • Pre-and Post- Sales Closing Support
    • Ongoing Management Reporting

Click here to view on the next Blue Seas Franchise Consulting Franchisor Service: Franchise Operations

Time is Money. Ready To Franchise Now?


Phone: +65 9144 1412

Email: [email protected]

Address: 1 Tampines North Drive 1, #06-08 T-SPACE, Singapore 528559

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